2012.08.29. 9:00 - 2012.08.31. 17:00
Szervező: Department of Telecommunications and Media Informatics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)
Hely: Building Q, Room: QBF10 Magyar Tudósok krt. 2 H-1117, Budapest, Hungary
The aim of the annual EUNICE conference is to provide a forum that brings together young researchers and scientist from Europe and neighboring regions to meet and exchange ideas and recent works on all aspect of information and communication technologies.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Future Internet
- Clean slate designs
- Protocols
- Routing
- Self * networks
- Wireless Networks
- Mobile networks
- Sensor networks
- Network & Service Management
- Architecture and platforms
- Planning, dimensioning and optimization
- Quality of Service (QoS)
- Quality of Experience (QoE)
- Security, Privacy and Trust
- Socio-Economics
- Modelling, Simulations and Experiments
- Prototypes
- Measurements
- Performance evaluations
- Green Networks
- Energy efficiency
- Green control
- Applications
- Internet of Things
- Digital life
- Networked Media
- 3D content
- Augmented reality
- Cloud Computing and Grids
- ICT in Smart Grids, Cities, Transport
More informations: http://www.tmit.bme.hu/eunice2012
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