
9th International Conference on Design of Reliable Communication Networks

2013.03.04. 9:00 - 2013.03.07. 17:00
Hely: Danubius Hotel Gellért

DRCN 2013

9th International Conference on Design of Reliable Communication Networks
March 4-7, 2013, Budapest, Hungary

The 9th International Conference on Design of Reliable Communication Networks is a well established biennial forum for scientists, engineers, designers and planners from industry, government and academia who have interests in the reliability and availability of communication networks and services. The conference covers topics from equipment and technology for survivability to network management and public policy, through theory and techniques for survivable and robust networks and application design. The aim of the conference is to bring together people from industry, government and academia in those disciplines in a lively forum.

To guarantee the high visibility of the conference, the proceedings will be available through IEEE Xplore. The best papers will be invited to leading related Journals: IEEE Transactions on Reliability (ToR) and Elsevier Optical Switching and Networking (OSN).
The 9th DRCN will be held in the attractive city of Budapest, Hungary.
The conference will be enriched by a set of tutorials and invited talks.
Additionally, two IFIP best paper awards will be granted. We seek papers that address theoretical, experimental, systems-related and regulatory issues in the area of dependability and survivability of communication networks, end-systems and infrastructure.

Tibor Cinkler
, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary

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