
21th European Wireless Conference

2015.05.20. 9:00 - 2015.05.22. 17:00
Hely: 1117 Budapest, Magyar Tudósok körútja 2. - Q épület

The 21th European Wireless (EW) Conference will take place in Budapest, Hungary, from 20-22 May 2015 and will be organized by the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME). BME is the most significant University of Technology in Hungary and is also one of the oldest Institutes of Technology in the world, having been founded in 1782. It was the first institute in Europe to train engineers at university level.






The 2015 edition of EW is aimed at addressing a key theme on “5G and beyond”.

Acceptance of submitted papers will be based on quality, relevance, and originality. Proposals for special sessions and tutorials are also invited. Call for papers.

Proceedings of EW 2015 will be available on IEEEXplore and will be indexed in the abstract and citation database Scopus (approval pending).

HTE is the technical co-sponsor of EW2015.


Tagdíjfizetés részletei


Tagnyilvántartás - belépés


Technikatörténeti évfordulók


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