
Workshop on Frequency Policy and Spectrum Engineering in V4 Countries

2016.09.08. 9:00 - 2016.09.09. 15:30
Hely: WROCLAW UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY st. Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 23/25, 50-370 Wroclaw Building C-13 (Integrated Student's Center)

The current technology progress has a big influence on society behaviour and experiences, new technology are rapidly growing. Such situation requires adaption of new technology both on transmission and reception sites and new frequency policy paradigm shifts.

The aim of the workshop is presenting, discussing and proposing solutions for future broadcasting and mobile networks, audio and video content delivering as well as highlight potential of future spectrum policy and engineering potential. In this context the motto is „Perspectives of Terrestrial Broadcasting and Mobile Networks”.

The workshop is organized within project Frequency Policy and Spectrum Engineering in V4 countries supported by Visegrad Fund. 


Registration fee is 100 EUR.

Location: Wroclaw, Poland


Tagdíjfizetés részletei


Tagnyilvántartás - belépés


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